Drive to Munich – 1795km done so far – Hofbrauhaus

by bretzelitos

A six hours drive over 584 km put me in the city center of Munich. I followed Autobahn A9 all the way, passing through the federal countries of Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen, Thuringen and Bayern.

The drive facts:

Start at 1211km
Gasoline fill-up at 1275km – consumption 6.6 l/100km
Fastest velocity measured at 1465km – tachometer 235kmh, GPS 222kmh
Passing the former border between East and West Germany close to Rudolphstein at 1495km
Lunch at 1500km
Arriving in Munich at 1795km

The drive was uneventful and very enjoyable indeed. Especially in Bavaria, it is just priceless to drive under blue-and-white skies.

After checking-in at Angelo’s hotel, I bought a ticket for Munich transport and went to the town center – Marienplatz. After a short walk, passing Munich’s toy museum, I arrived at Hofbrauhaus to have some beers and dinner. Another time very enjoyable indeed!

With a big smile on the face, I returned to the hotel.

However, not sleeping right away – the Hotel Fire alarm went off! Somebody was smoking in the room a bit to much as it seems. That guest will have a good bill to pay now as the fire brigades arrived in full alarm gear, automatically notified by the surveillance system. Nice to see – nearly everybody evacuated the hotel peacefully and gathered at the designated meeting points.